Well, today was my first day to be Whole30 at work. Not quite a normal day, as I work Monday nights, so Jason and I had breakfast together (which we don't do the rest of the week), and I had to bring dinner instead of lunch with me.
So the spinach/mushroom/etc mix that I made on Saturday went pretty well this morning with eggs and a little chicken sausage. I know I enjoyed it more than Jason, but he actually ATE ALL HIS MUSHROOMS which is amazing.
I was really anxious this morning which is typical for Monday before going back to work, so Jason convinced me to take Shayna for a walk and burn off the nerves. It was a very good idea, partly because it was a beautiful cool (for Corpus Christi) morning and because Shayna is a good walking dog, unlike her siblings!
Hamburger patties and roasted vegetables for lunch, and then I brought an avocado (ate at 4pm), an apple (ate at 2pm), and some tomatoes, carrots, lettuce and pork leftovers from last night's dinner all mixed in a salad (5pm). Been feeling pretty well today until after that dinner when I developed a mild headache. Not sure what could have caused that. At least I'm not having the problems I had yesterday!
Our friend Sarah loaned us some books and I've been having a look at them. I will say they have been pretty helpful in spelling out some of the whole30 details (It Starts with Food) and recipe ideas (Well Fed). Thanks, Sarah!
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