Friday, October 12, 2012

Day one, still tired from the moving.

So, today's the day.  We've spent the last week and a half eating the stuff out of our cabinets we wont eat on this plan.  Frankly, a break from noodles will be nice.  We dont have the food in the house, yet, so we went to Hester's for breakfast.  Lisa suggested we ride our bikes there (she failed to mention we'd have to ride them back.)

I was so danged frustrated on that ride.  No, that's not accurate.  I was angry.  I dont really have a good reason to be, I just was.  Sure the gears kept switching on their own, the tires were flattened because I'm too heavy, and my ass just plain hurt from that ridiculous seat, but beyond that there was no reason.  When I got to the restaurant, I was feeling anxious so I ordered a meal and a waffle.  That, friends, is what's called emotional eating.  I ate it all and dang was it good.  It even made me feel less anxious.  It also made me feel drained, lethargic, stuffed, and just plain icky but at least I wasn't anxious.

Now we're back home and as I write this (and the blood flow is returning to my rump) I am thinking just how grateful I am to have a lady who lets me vent when I'm upset at the evil bike that's trying to kill me but who is just so supportive.  Dang, I'm lucky.

So, today we're going to take said evil bike to get new tires and maybe a new seat, then off to shop for the food for the whole 30 plan.  For those that dont know, this is a paleo-type diet taken one step further.  It also cleanses you of all sugars, dairy and grains.  After you get through the 30 days, which I'm assuming is that length so you break your old habits, you then begin adding food back in a little at a time and judging how you feel.  Then you know what makes you feel badly.

My doctor did it and recommended it to me.  She said that for her the cravings stopped after a week, but normally its 2.  With all the noodles and rice I eat, I'm expecting it to be 3 weeks for me.  Plan for the worst and hope for the best, right?

Oh, I should say that Lis and I are trying to both blog here - hence the "4 2" portion of the title.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited that we made it all the way to Hester's and back! I know you were frustrated and didn't enjoy it very much, but I hope you'll feel proud that you RODE A BIKE ALMOST 4 MILES TODAY!!!

    I think another reason for the 30 days is that it takes awhile for inflammation caused by food sensitivities to heal.
