Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 4 - I have energy!

Wow, I have to say, I feel awesome. I'm so used to being so totally wiped out after work that I have nothing left. It's been a challenge going to choir on Tuesday nights because I can barely function after 5pm. But today, wow! My head is clear, I have almost as much energy as I did when I got up this morning and I'm so alert. This is really exciting stuff.

Edited the next morning:
Which just goes to show you that different people react differently to this regimen. Jason's struggling with fatigue, which is totally normal for many on Whole30. I had some of that over the weekend, and who knows, it might come back again. But last night was a revelation for me. I've been so tired for so long, and had convinced myself that it was just me getting older. I had almost forgotten what having energy was like.

And I should have also said, this was after a day working in heels which usually wears me completely out. There are some muscles in my legs that are basking in self-discovery this morning...

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