Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ethiopian Paleo

This recipe looks awesome, and I plan to try it soon:

Also, having this today, but it's still in the oven:

Made my own sausage for it (well, bought the ground pork, but used spices from our herb garden). I think I overspiced it, so it may be more to Jason's taste than mine. Live and learn!

Whole 30-ing again

Forgot to hit the post button... this was almost 2 weeks ago, but here it is anyway.

Well, I'm going to be doing Whole 30 again with a friend of mine, and I figured I should probably provide some transition here to talk about what's been going on since the last one.

I decided to pretty much stay paleo with my diet since I finished Whole 30 last November. I've been eating some non-paleo things, like rice, beer and cow's milk, but mostly in my daily eating I've tried to keep away from all the no-no foods including sugar, something I'm rather proud of.

In adding foods back into my diet, I was not nearly scientific enough, and so I wasn't sure what the problem was when the hives came back. Now through a process of experimentation I think I've found that potatoes and tomatoes are the problem. Two things I absolutely love to eat. So for now I'm trying to avoid those completely. Once I'm done with Whole 30 again I hope the hives will have healed and I can at least try tomatoes to see if they cause a recurrence. I'm pretty sure potatoes are a no-go for me from now on.

I have, to date, lost over 20 pounds, two dress sizes, and have had to go scrounging in my attic for the too-small clothes I packed away because I couldn't bear to get rid of them. I'm very happy with that. I'm also happy that I had a pretty healthy winter this year.

So here's hoping this goes well!

Friday, November 16, 2012

My feet don't hurt!!!

I discovered this morning that the pain in the joints of my feet that I've been suffering with for the last couple of years is gone. And I hadn't even noticed. What I did notice was that I didn't remember having to shuffle across the floor when I first got out of bed in the morning because my feet hurt too much to walk.

So I told myself to pay attention to it this morning. Lo and behold, no pain. This is just fantastic. I can't express how excited I am that I'm able to resolve that issue without having to take medication. Bryan Tobiason, you said this might happen, and you were right! Woohoo!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


Ok since Jason is sharing, I figured I should too. Solidarity and all.

- I've had similar experiences with being less gassy.
- I can't say my ears have stopped itching but I will say that they are better.
- My hives that I've been living with for the last few years are vastly improved. I used to get them on my tummy, back, chest, neck and face and they itched like crazy. Right now I just have a few on my neck and they are healing and not itching at all.
- Lady bits: My period snuck up on me this month. Why is this unusual? I normally know I'm going to have my period because I'm weepy and blue for no reason the day before. This month, I was startled by it because I had no symptoms. I can't remember the last time that happened.

This experiment continues to be fascinating. Who would have thought we'd learn so much about our bodies by playing with what we put into them?

Things I'm not missing

I find I have the same attitude about this that Lisa does.  For me, its the things that are missing from our lives that make this worthwhile.  Here come some interesting, but very personal, factoids.  If you are squeamish  you should probably stop reading now.  However, I started this blog to record what happened and I'm too much of a science geek to let that go.

I find that in the morning I'm less gassy.  It used to be that there was a lot of that, especially in the morning.  Nowadays, it means I need the restroom.  That's also less.  I used to defecate 1-2 times daily and sometimes more.  Now most days its once but there are days I do not have to go.

This is the middle of allergy season for us.  I had two days where there was a little drainage and I considered taking medication.  However, by the third it had passed.  I should add that we've had the windows open for a week.  The other side of that is itchy ears.  I really had it bad with the inside of my ears itching.  There are no itches anymore.

On a separate note, we didn't quite buy enough food this week.  Friday was mentally really hard for me.  I kept feeling panicky and thinking I NEEDED to go out and get food at lunch.  I had all I needed here, but there were not options and that made it really hard.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

3 weeks

So tomorrow is the 3-week mark for us being on Whole30, and I was thinking today about how I've been feeling and trying to put it into words. I think the best way I can describe it is:

I'm off the roller coaster.

I'm off the ups and downs of sugar- and carb-generated highs and lows. My energy level is maintained throughout the day. My hunger is less. I'm eating nothing processed. Everything on my plate or in my numerous containers that I take for lunch is Real Food.

Now that we're within sight of actually accomplishing this 30-day milestone, I'm beginning to ask myself what happens on Day 31. And I have to say that my first reaction is: "I don't want to go back."

Breakfast today: egg & chorizo scramble with sauteed vegetables
Lunch today: leftover turkish chopped salad w/ homemade dressing, tuna fish w/ homemade mayo, tomatoes
Dinner... who knows!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Chicken and Veggie Soup and Sloppy Joes

Well, we are chugging along.  Not much is changing.  We made chicken and veggie soup this week.  That's almost gone.  I was pretty... remorseful...about not having crackers, rice or noodles in it.  I kinda missed that texture, which I find very comforting.  However, the taste wasn't lacking.  All that flavor from the chicken and those wonderful veggies really made my tummy happy.

I also had an inspiration for easy lunches.  I've been browning hamburger with some Serrano peppers from out of our garden (the first thing we pick is a hot pepper - hee).  Then I add some spaghetti sauce and call it sloppy joes.  For all intensive purposes it is.  The cauliflower rice was ok with it, but I sauteed a medley of veggies this afternoon and that went very well together.  Its interesting.  The bags of veggies you can microwave just aren't appealing.  They dont have the same flavor.